Recharge can be done using Hard Cards, Electronic Vouchers, M-PAiSA, Txt Top-Up, Inkk Website, VitiKart, SMS banking, Mobile banking or ANZ ATMs Fiji-wide.
Recharge Denominations are available on Hardcards and through Electronic Channels
Recharge PIN has to be activated during the promotion period to receive the free money.
Get 2UP on 9-10, 3UP on 11-19, 4UP on 20-29, 5UP Everyday on 30-49 and 7UP Everyday on 50 or more.
Free Money on recharge of $9 to $10 expires in 5 days, $11 to $14 in 7 days, $15 to $19 in 10 days, $20 to $29 in 15 days, $30 to $49 in 30 days and $50 or more in 30 days.
Free money expires within the specified time stated and will not be extended with new recharge
Free money can only be used for on-net* Calls and SMS.
On-net means Inkk to Inkk and Inkk to Vodafone.
Inkk number ranges are 20, 21, 25, 84, 87, 95, 96 and 98.